Over the past 4 years Brian has repeatedly told us to not believe everything we watch on the news or read in the papers, internet, (or wherever else) when it comes to Iraq and Afghanistan. Lu simply doesn’t watch much of it at all- and I probably watch and read about it too much. It was pretty hard not to hear about Afghanistan with everything that transpired at the top this past week.
I have no idea what was going on in General McChrystal’s head to allow Rolling Stone magazine do what they did. But, as I look back on it today, maybe it was what we needed to kick our country in the ass and get engaged again (including the president and the civilian delegation that is part of this thing). I have to admit, I’m already starting to get a little tired of hearing the newly engaged arm chair quarterbacks suddenly have all the answers to solve the situation by using the talking points created by others instead of being informed themselves. From my humble perspective- (and I’ve said this before)-success in Afghanistan is a matter of national security for our country, it’s that simple. Leaving Afghanistan prematurely has huge risks. As the saying goes, “Just because someone leaves the movie, doesn’t mean it’s over.”
OD, Pasco, Z, and Nims
Arriving in Afghanistan
When we talked to Brian this week he had briefly heard about the whole McChrystal event but not much about it. These guys don’t think about this stuff much- they are too busy doing their jobs and trying to stay as safe as they can while they try to achieve the mission our country has asked them to accomplish. We have asked them to live in conditions few of us would last a day- 130 degree heat (still with no air conditioning)- MREs for food (with care packages on hold)- minimal sleep- and doing their jobs- while confronting IEDs and insurgents every day. But, somehow they are holding it all together and making it work. I don’t know how- but they are doing it. That says something about the character of those we have serving our country. They don’t listen to the politics- thank God.
And, while its very easy to focus on all the negatives our troops are accomplishing some pretty amazing things despite the circumstances. Here’s a letter from an officer in Afghanistan talking about things you don’t hear very much about:
While I have the ear of the outside world I wanted to pass along the good news since I'm sure the media is only reporting the casualties and ugliness of war. I had a chance to visit a school in Marjah referred to as the Yellow School. 2 months ago it was one of the largest IED making factories in Marjah and a stronghold of the Taliban. The renovation and reconstruction of the school starts this week and soon children in the area will be able to go to school for the first time.
When you think about how short of a time period that is to go from IED factory and Taliban stronghold to a school to give the children hope of a better life it's amazing and something I'm proud to be part of. This is just one of many significant events that have occurred over the past few weeks that show the progress of the reconstruction and development of a war torn nation.
Thanks for your prayers and encouragement.
Semper Fidelis, "always faithful" to my God, my family, and my country.
Major John French
Engineer Officer, RCT-7
C Co Commander, 3rd CEB
Camp Dwyer, Afghanistan
Some very brave people are doing some very brave things to do the things we’re asking them to do each and every day. We would like to have our son out of harm’s way.
So, this is not the time for second-guessing decisions made in the past but to focus on the decisions we need to make in the future to succeed. To me, the mission and strategy have been clear (Obama’s 2009 West Point Address). I had just assumed everyone that needed to deliver on the strategy knew what it was and was delivering on their part of the bargain (besides just the military which has gone above-and-beyond). From the Rolling Stone article, that might not have been the case.
So, while article may have tarnished a career of a respected war hero it may have also been a wake-up call for the rest of us. If we’re going to do this- let’s do it right on all sides- not just the military. And, let’s let these guys do their jobs and protect themselves when they have to. To me, it’s time to pull together all of the pieces that are necessary to make this work- and give these heroes on the ground the strategies, resources, and support they need to get the job done. I pray we can stand together as a country to make it happen. I hope we don’t have to rely on Rolling Stone to find out if it’s not.
(Sorry Bug- I had to get that off my chest)
Semper Fi