Monday, March 9, 2009

Going To The Airport Still Sucks

With as many times as we've now had to do this- you would think it would get easier. It doesn't. It's especially tough when you realize and accept it's going to be 7 months before you'll see each other again. But, we did ok.

Over the past few years we've learned to live with dates or markers you put out there to try to put some context around all of this. Leaving for bootcamp, graduating from bootcamp; coming home on leave, heading back from leave; leaving on first deployment, home from first deployment; home for the holidays, going back from the holidays; these are all the "markers" we've had so far. It seems like the first part always lasts way too long, and the second part goes by way too fast. Now we'll be adding leaving for second deployment (March) and returning from second deployment (some time in October) to the list.

The last day always sucks. You try to spend some quality time together- but you know it's coming to an end for awhile. It's a weird emotional flow- like a roller-coaster. But, it's reality- and you just try to deal with it as best you can.

Brian had friends over and spent most of the morning packing and getting his gear together. Lindsey came over with the puppies and we took the picture here just before we headed out the door to say our "good-byes" and head to the airport.

Brian wanted to give his mother a "Mommy Hug" at breakfast one morning- just to show you that some things don't change- even in Marines.

And, this photo was taken on his last deployment while they were on a mission- just to show you the other side. (It's no wonder we're schizophrenic)

But, overall we did well. It was a wonderful week together and we are thankful for that. Brian is back at Camp Pendleton for a few days and will let us know what's going on later. We'll make sure to get his address out to everyone when we get it.
Semper Fi

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