Thursday, June 11, 2009

We're Plugging Along

(UPDATED 6-17-09) We're supposed to hold on sending packages again- they haven't been able to fix the problem as yet.)

Brian's 22nd birthday is coming up on Monday, June 15. It's hard to believe that he's only 22 with all he is experiencing (and has already experienced)- and at the same time his mom and I continue to view him as the same mischievious little boy he always was growing up. Brian always added a little excitement in whatever he did (and certainly contributed to my gray hair- or what's left of it)- he's just continuing that today.

The weather in Iraq is really heating up. Brian told me that the other day it hit 115 degrees- at 11:00 a.m. But, he said the evenings get down to around 80 so it's tolerable.

Laura and I are doing fine. I guess you can say we're plugging along. Deployments are tough. We're in week 13 and we still have a ways to go. The tough parts are (like today) when he tells us he's heading out on "a mission" tonight and we won't hear from him for a few days. These are the times you just have to pray a little harder and be patient until we hear from him again when he returns. It's certainly challenging.

We've been watching the Colbert Report the past week as he's been filming the show from Camp Victory in Bagdhad (Once You Go Iraqi- You'll Never Go Backi). It's been a really good show and nice to hear about all of the good these guys and gals are doing over there since you don't hear about it in the mainstream media. It makes things seem worthwhile, and makes us feel a little closer to Brian as we watch.

Here are a few pictures Brian sent from wherever he is in Iraq. (Interesting quarters)

So, if you get a chance shoot Brian an e-mail on his birthday. I'm sure he'll appreciate it. And, I also want to reiterate his (and our) appreciation for all of your support in the past, and continued support in the future.

Semper Fi

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