Sunday, February 21, 2010

Welcome Ethan Michael Brune

Greetings to everyone.

As I mentioned in my previous post we’ll use this blog to keep everyone updated on Lindsey, Jason, and “Spike”- With that, I am honored to be able tell everyone that Ethan Michael Brune (aka Spike) joined us at 11:55 p.m. on Saturday February 20, 2010. He weighed-in at 7 lb. 2 oz. and 20 inches (I think I got the stats right- I’m sure I’ll be corrected if I didn’t).

Ethan joined us a little earlier than was anticipated, but, Lindsey “just knew” and Jason had a dream it would be earlier- and it was. (I believe he actually dreamed February 20)

Lindsey and Jason are doing fine. They hadn’t had much sleep when we went over to the hospital so were looking forward to getting a little rest. They are such a beautiful couple together and are going to be wonderful parents- we’re very excited and proud of them both.

And, what can I say about Ethan? He’s just perfect. We were sucked-in from the beginning and I know I am looking forward spoiling the crap out of him. We’re going to have fun.

Ironically, as I was looking at Ethan’s pictures on Facebook this morning, I saw I received an e-mail from Brian (my first). He just wanted to let me know he was ok, would call when he could (but it was going to be tough so be patient), and to tell Lindsey he was thinking of her. If I’ve got the time-difference correct, he sent the e-mail at about the same time Ethan was born. Ethan was born at 11:55 p.m. and I received Brian's email 9 minutes later.

I sent Brian a reply to let him know his godson and nephew is waiting for him and can’t wait to meet him. Lindsey and Jason are scheduling Ethan’s baptism for when Brian is back home.

So, this was a good day.

Please continue to say a prayer or two for those who continue to protect the freedoms we have here back home. Its days like today that make this appreciation even more special.

Semper Fi

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