Sunday, March 7, 2010

Adjusting to Deployment Mode

Greetings to all

Laura and I are adjusting to "deployment mode". Sometimes it just takes awhile to remember you can't just pick up the phone and call any more. We sent off a package last week that included many of the basics the guys requested. We're going to keep shipping them- we just don't know when they will actually get them. The picture at the right gives you an idea of the conditions some are dealing with over there.

Several received a phone call from Afghanistan last week. Even though he can't tell us much, it's always great to hear his voice on the other end. We didn't expect to hear from him for quite awhile so this was a real blessing. We don't know how frequently we'll hear from him going forward but it was great to talk to him last week. He told us he let a marine who had not been able to call home for nearly two months call his wife only to find out they were expecting a baby. We'll appreciate each call as we get them.

Ethan Update

Lindsey, Jason, and Ethan (and the dogs, and the cat) are all doing wonderful. Ethan continues to grow and is just a beautiful little boy. Brian did call Lindsey last week so they were able to connect for a little while. It meant a lot to both of them.

The news from Afghanistan continues to be centered on Marjah and a focus on the Afghanistan/Pakistan border. Marjah continues to be challenging even though the Marines have now moved from a "clear" to "hold" strategy. But, the number of IEDs planted throughout the city is unbelievable. That's where the real danger is. In the east, the Pakistani government has finally started to take some action against the Taliban hiding in their mountains. I hope it continues. The Marines have made some dramatic progress over the past months and are doing more than their share in both of these areas - it's now time for the Afghanistan government and others to step-up and do what they are supposed to do to finish the job.

Semper Fi

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