Monday, August 9, 2010

Still Remembering After 65 Years

We’re in a sort of “hold pattern” right now. We’re well over 20 miles, but still have to just take it one mile at a time. We can’t see the finish line yet- all we know is that with each day we’re getting closer.

We talked to Brian this week and he’s been staying much more active than we would like. Lu and I have made our views very clear but he can’t listen to his parents on this one. He has to “do his job.” As always, it’s good to hear his voice and we’ll just need to keep praying harder.

We continue to be amazed by what these men and women are doing for us. With each day we grow even more appreciative of the sacrifices being made every day to carry out a very complex and dangerous mission. I think our country appreciates the sacrifices to a certain extent; but doesn’t really have a clue of all that is involved. Most just think about it occasionally- usually when something comes up on one of the news channels.

A friend of mine sent me a beautiful story of the small town of Pilsen in the Czech Republic. This little community adores America, the American soldier, and continues to appreciate the sacrifices that were made on its behalf. Pilsen was liberated from the Nazis by General Patton 65 years ago. Every 5 years since, Pilsen has held a Liberation Celebration to honor its liberation, America, and the American soldier.

Pilsen is also the crash site of Lt. Virgil P. Kirkham, the last recorded American pilot killed in Europe during World War II. Lt. Kirkham was flying his 82nd mission (and one he volunteered to go on). He was only 20 years old when he died.

A young 14 year old Czech girl, Zdenka Sladkova, witnessed the crash of Lt. Kirkham’s P-47 Thunderbolt and was so moved by his sacrifice that she made a vow to care for his memory. For 65 straight years (and now 79 years old) she has assumed the responsibility to care for Virgil’s crash site and memorial created near her home.

Family Remembering
An American Hero
In the Czech Republic

Zdenka Sladkova
Keeping a 65 Year
Commitment To an
American Hero

These folks appreciate freedom- and know what it took to obtain it and keep it.

I’m posting some more Ethan pics from our time at the cabin last weekend.

I Still Like
The Shades

Some Great Teachers

We can’t thank everyone enough for your thoughts and especially your prayers. This one has been tougher than the other two- but we know your prayers have made a difference for Brian and for us.

Semper Fi

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